Showing posts with label Prevention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prevention. Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2011

Disaster Preparedness.

The news has pushed me to think more about planning. We have pushed forward with long-term plans that we did not wish to think about addressing. What I learned from that process is it starts with education. As I was looking at the poison plant link at the ASPCA I also noticed they had a link for Disaster Preparedness with a list of what you need to do before and during the situation to protect your pets. Some of this we have, some of this we need to do.

I know the first step for me is education. I need to learn more about my options and think about what resources are available to us in a variety of situations. The ASPCA list is a good place for me to start. In fact I think I will start some resource pages for this blog to help others looking for information that I can add links to as I learn more.

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